Monday, February 3, 2014

Humans of Emma Willard School #1

I have officially started documenting Humans of Emma Willard School. The enthusiastic response of the people in the community took me by surprise, as I gained more than 300 followers in less than a week's time.  The most challenging part so far is to know how to respond to what people say and ask questions that can deepen the conversation. Nonetheless, I'm really enjoying the process of reaching out to people and listening to their stories. Other than tightening the bonds within the community, I hope to raise the awareness of the people who are less noticed but make a huge impact on campus, for instance, Marty the Mechanic. I'm so excited to see how this project turns out! 


  1. And now I see you're up to 330 likes! Way to go in just a week's time. It looks like the suggestions Mr. Levy gave you were helpful. I can imagine it's hard to go deep with some of these conversations. I guess one advantage we have at Emma is that we are such a tight nit community. Do you plan any of the questions or do you just way what comes to you? I would think that doing some planning and having follow up questions prepared might help the flow.

  2. The human project is clearly a hit! I greatly enjoyed reviewing you page and all that it contains. Your shot of the child was fabulous. "Making a mess!"

    I think it would be useful to start tying together some of the wonderful experiences that you have had this year into a cohesive story. Please do feel like you have to account for EVERYTHING, because you have done so much. I would think that a few well chosen pieces could go into an amazing exhibition and explanation. Of course, I defer to whatever you and your mentor have already planned.

    Eager for the next installment!
