Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Architecture vs. Theatre

Romeo and Juliet Stage Set © Mom
Tribabies © http://www.xmarkjenkinsx.com
During the past summer, I tried to find the ultimate link between architecture and theatre, the two forms of art that I love. The link between sounds rather nonexistence and abstract at first, and not that I have found my perfect answer already, but I'm glad to say that Tisch somehow helped me connect them together. For one, the technique of "viewpoints" in theatre made me realize that  actors don't exist on their own; the audience is seeing the interaction with and within the space, and together they narrate the story. With my passion for both structural precision and emotional expression,  I decided to be involved in the Advanced Arts Project at school so that I can create art in my own way. A few of my ideas now are building stage sets that emphasizes on the relationship between actors and the architecture surrounding them and making life-size taped human figures to place around my campus (The People Project). These figures will do specific actions that suit the function of the architecture. My goal for TPP is that people at my school will look at the figures and be more aware of how they, too, can interact with what is around them. I'm not sure what I'm going to do for my final presentation, but hopefully this whole art project will make an impact on my community. Excited to see how this year will turn out! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Summer 13' x One Thirty One

Potato Hot & Cold
Cauliflower 3 Ways x Truffle x Sherry Vinegar 
Corn x Black Garlic x Broccolini
Puffed Rice
Mint Pot
 Guanaja Cremeux x Mint Sherbet x Hazelnut Soil

My family and I had dinner at One Thirty One to celebrate my parents' 25th wedding anniversary. Located in Sai Kung, this French restaurant is secluded and peaceful. It only serves 16 people per night, and this attention to every single costumer could explain why the food was so delicate and delicious. 

Happy Silver Wedding Anniversary Mom & Dad! 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Summer 13' x Tisch

 © My Roomie Olga Ushakova 
My past month spent at Tisch NYU was rewarding and life-changing. The people I had encountered were so passionate about arts, in particular theatre, that they inspired me to work, play, and live to the fullest. Not to mention, New York was so vibrant and cultural, that no wonder people always described it as a city where "anything could happen". Hopefully, now a little clearer of what I love and a little bolder in living, I'll be able to enjoy senior year and get to university (yay)!