Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The People Project

Dining Hall 
I've started The People Project for about two weeks now, and the result turned out much different that I thought what it would be. For one, my person, made with tape, is extremely fragile, keeps falling apart, and needs constant attention and care. On a better note, people in my community are noticing its interactions with various architectures. In turn, they start to interact with my person at the dining hall, talking to her and dressing her up with a bib. I guess, in a way, she is a symbolistic company and can make people feel less alone.

Currently on a hunt for her next location!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Mini Maker Faire

Yesterday's sunny fall weather was perfect for the Mini Maker Faire held at my school. We had about 50 booths that featured their innovations ranging from slow motion cameras,  Tesla Coil, to glowing duct tape wallets, jewelries, hand-made violins, and soaps (plus a bunny!). I enjoyed taking pictures and seeing how every single booth is unique in its own way. The people were inspiring in a way that they showed me how I can basically create art out of any material and form. One of my favorites was the 3D printer. It could make solid objects of virtually any structure and did so by using an additive process, where successive layers of material are laid down in different shapes. It's weird thinking how the 3D printer might start an industrial revolution and that in a couple of decades, Architecture students no longer have to build their own models. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Architecture vs. Theatre

Romeo and Juliet Stage Set © Mom
Tribabies © http://www.xmarkjenkinsx.com
During the past summer, I tried to find the ultimate link between architecture and theatre, the two forms of art that I love. The link between sounds rather nonexistence and abstract at first, and not that I have found my perfect answer already, but I'm glad to say that Tisch somehow helped me connect them together. For one, the technique of "viewpoints" in theatre made me realize that  actors don't exist on their own; the audience is seeing the interaction with and within the space, and together they narrate the story. With my passion for both structural precision and emotional expression,  I decided to be involved in the Advanced Arts Project at school so that I can create art in my own way. A few of my ideas now are building stage sets that emphasizes on the relationship between actors and the architecture surrounding them and making life-size taped human figures to place around my campus (The People Project). These figures will do specific actions that suit the function of the architecture. My goal for TPP is that people at my school will look at the figures and be more aware of how they, too, can interact with what is around them. I'm not sure what I'm going to do for my final presentation, but hopefully this whole art project will make an impact on my community. Excited to see how this year will turn out!