Monday, December 24, 2012

Home Cooking x Christmas Eve Dinner

T'is my favorite holiday of the year! As a custom for Christmas Eve, my family invited our family friends home for dinner. While being in the state of jet lag, I still managed to take some pictures of the festive decorations and yummy food. 

Poor Ginger
Wagyu Steak
Turkey from Cova
Crunch Cake from Spoil Cafe
Merry Christmas!
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." -John 3:16

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Fruit Waterfall

I've done a few drawings in art class this year that I'm not confident enough to post. I'm sure it happens to everyone: when you start an artwork, you have this perfect image in mind; and once the drawing starts flowing in way that you haven't expected, you instantly see the many flaws in it. 

Nonetheless, I decided to post my first painting of the year. It's an acrylic on canvas (though it might look like oil painting instead), which I named Fruit Waterfall because of the feedbacks given by my friends. "The fruits look like a family waiting at a bus stop on water puddles under the rain," one commented. Though the color of the background is not what I've originally planned (I was thinking of a darker blue that can complement the orange and red), I'm quite pleased with the "waterfall" effect it creates. Additionally, the composition of my set-up and my piece resembles a photo of Petite Amanda's cakes I took a while ago. 

Fruit Waterfall, 12/2012